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25 Outstanding Dissertation Ideas On Animal Behavior

There are a number of great dissertation ideas you can explore when writing on animal behavior. A great topic can certainly make your dissertation much easier to write as you can use your enthusiasm towards the topic to help drive your motivation. Here are 25 outstanding ideas worth consideration:

  1. Discuss with is known about animal play, specifically focusing on domestic animals like cats and dogs.
  2. Analyze elephants’ abilities to feel empathy towards other species and the ways in which they communicate the feeling.
  3. Why is animal play in domesticated animals so contagious? How are dogs specifically so quick to adapt to playful situations?
  4. Provide a critical analysis of the recent studies suggesting that animal minds are richer and more complex than what was previously known in science.
  5. Study the effects of animals that are ill and need care at home. Do they respond differently to needed care because of instincts that urge them to be active?
  6. Analyze the argument recently made suggesting that dogs may have developed a sense of humor? Do some breeds have it while others don’t?
  7. What are the long term effects of animals born into captivity in their abilities to nurture or raise future generations of their species?
  8. Why do certain animals react to foster care better than others? What are the most important factors of foster care that could improve the chances of survival?
  9. Provide an analysis of territorialism in some domesticated species? For instance, why do some cats protect entire areas surround homes from other cats?
  10. Why do felines bring their recently caught prey to the doorsteps of their owner’s homes? Is there a message that they are trying to convey?
  11. Why is the study of animal behavior important to us as humans? Do you think that understanding behavior helps in understanding ourselves?
  12. Provide a detailed analysis on the treatment of animals in different parts of the world. Do animals in different regions behave differently with one another because of the way they are treated by humans?
  13. Do you think humans hurt other animals for the simple scientific classification reason of speciesism?
  14. Analyze the ways in which some animals more effectively identify their offspring through sound instead of sight.
  15. Examine how animals behave when they lose either an animal companion or a human in death.
  16. How do animals respond to different environmental factors around the world? For instance, climate, terrain, altitude and urbanization.
  17. What can be learned by the way pack animals form their communities and assign specific roles based on ability and skill?
  18. How do elephants in the wild behave differently from those born in and kept in captivity?
  19. What can be learned from marine life that is confined within the parameters of an observational tank?
  20. Provide a critical analysis on how animals reintroduced to the wild adapt socially with those who were born in the wild?
  21. How have migratory habits in wild animals changed as a result of human interaction and development?
  22. Provide an overview of evolution in terms of causes and consequences of behavior plasticity.
  23. Compare and contrast animal personality in captivity versus the personality in the wild.
  24. Provide an ethical view in support of or against zoos and wild animal parks designed for the public?
  25. Provide a critical analysis of how female animals choose their mates based on motor performance across different behaviors.
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